We offer Breakfast and After School Club from 7.30am until 8.35am and from 3.15pm until 5.30pm every day.
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Church of England Infant School

Learning together for tomorrow’s world


Summer 1

Week 6


Games - Rounders


Art - Using pasta to create fossil art

RE - Acting out the Hindu creation story

RE - Our creations from clay

Week 5

Maths - Naming and sorting 2 dimensional shapes

Maths - Naming and identifying 3 dimensional shapes

History - Why were Mary Anning’s achievements not celebrated in her lifetime?

Art - making ammonite fossils using air drying clay by coiling

Week 4

Maths - Grouping in 2s, 5s and 10s

Maths - problem solving

English - Sorting verbs and adjectives

English - Finding pairs of rhyming words!

Science - Materials

English - She-Rex

Art - Imprinting into tablets of clay

Week 3

PE - Dance

We were pretending to be toy soldiers this week in dance. We thought about how we could make our bodies move like a wind up toy soldier. The children didn’t bend their knees or extend their arms and tried hard to stay quite rigid as they moved. We created a dance in sections of 8 beats.


In phonics we have been revisiting our phase 5 sounds and applying our phonics knowledge to writing sentences by dictation. The children have also started to practise reading alien words (word that are not real) to test their phonics knowledge.

Art - making in prints of fossils on tablets of clay

The Turtle class loved using clay in art this week. They first turned their ball of clay into a tablet of clay and then used different utensils to draw an imprint of an ammonite fossil. They all worked hard on this challenging task and their clay is currently drying!

PE - Gymnastics