Week 5
This week in geography, we were learning about the features of Northern Ireland. We discovered that the tallest peak is called Slieve Donard, it’s capital city is Belfast and it has a port and a river. We used the atlases to help us learn about this country from the UK.
In writing this week, we have been very busy! We are currently in the middle of of learning journey which works towards writing a letter as the character of Sophie form The Tiger Who Came to Tea, to explain to a firmed what happened when the Tiger came to her house. This week, we have been thinking about language and learning new vocabulary. We have been looking at pictures of delicious foods and learning new adjectives to describe them. The children are getting very good at using their ‘get up, stand up’ words in their writing too which is amazing! They also used the zone of relevance to sort new vocabulary to describe the Tiger.
Week 4
Week 3
Week 2
What a busy week we had in writing! We looked closely at the text and pinched as many ‘noisy’ words as we could to use in our own poems, we made a bank of noun phrases using the images from the text - this was great because we could revisit our knowledge of nouns and adjectives! We also wrote plans for our poems which was tricky as we’ve not completed a plan for writing before and then we wrote our poems!
This week, the children learnt about 5 of the features of the United Kingdom: Mountains, rivers, national parks, ports and seaside resorts. Together, we sorted images of these features under headings, which was tricky for some of the images, which could have been placed under more than one heading.
Week 1
We started our new computing unit of digital writing this week. The children could remember the different parts of a computer and were excited to get started using the keyboard and mouse to write their names, and the names of their friends and family members.
The children loved winding up the chicks in our funky fingers activity this week! These chicks were gifted to us by the PTA at Christmas so thank you to them. The new easels have been great too, again a gift from the PTA!
We love learning about our world in Turtle class and this week we learnt about the United Kingdom. The children practised identifying the four countries of the United Kingdom on a map whilst saying the country names. They are so good at remembering them already. They then sorted some human and physical features of the United Kingdom to refresh their knowledge of what human and physical geography features are.
In maths this week, we did some investigating which enabled us to recall our number facts to 5. We used the Polya method to work through the problem in steps leading to lots of thinking and systematic working in order to find the different solutions to the problem.
We started our new book of, ‘Peace at Last’ this week which will inspire some poetry writing next week! The Turtles really enjoyed acting out the story and joining in with the repeated phrases from each of the events in the book. We all had lots of fun getting to know this story.