At Catherington C of E Infant School, we expect a high standard of behaviour from all children and staff. To help us achieve this we strive to create a caring Christian ethos where everyone is valued. We have chosen three Christian Values which underpin life at Catherington. These three values are love, respect and courage. In our school, we are all encouraged to show love and kindness to one another, respect by valuing everyone and everything while celebrating difference and courage to do the right thing.
We ask the children to follow a set of simple rules which we call the Golden Rules. The Golden Rules are:
We are loving.
We are respectful to other people and the world around us.
We always have the courage to be the best version of ourselves.
Have you filled a bucket today?
We use this book to teach children that everyone carries an invisible bucket that holds all their good thoughts and feelings about themselves. Having a full bucket makes you feel good, while having an empty bucket can make you feel sad. The children learn the difference between choosing to fill a bucket: by doing kind things for others and choosing to dip a bucket: by acting in a mean or hurtful way. In this way, our children are learning the importance of kind actions in their community, and the good feelings fostered by bucket filling.