This documents show how we promote British Values through our PSHE and Wellbeing curriculum.
At Catherington we support the DFE guidance that schools should:
'Promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs'
These values are reflected in our school vision and aims. We want children at Catherington to be knowledgeable about and tolerant of the society that they join as young people.
We also understand how these values are a part of our safeguarding duties- giving the children the skills and confidence to voice their view and seek and understand the views of others.
Below are some examples of how these values are embedded in our school life and how they relate directly to our school Christian values:
Our children are given the chance to reflect on their learning throughout their time at Catherington and teachers adapt work accordingly.
Voting for members of the school council (Respect and Courage)
Themes within Worship, particularly Generosity, Forgiveness, Justice, Service and Responsibility.
Contributing to the school development plan.
Choosing activities within learning journeys.
Rule of Law
Devise class rules to ensure everyone is safe and happy (Courage, Respect and Love)
Trickbox and PSHE programme to teach children understand their own and others behaviour and to distinguish between right and wrong (Love, Courage and Respect)
Responding to questionnaires on Safeguarding.
Individual Liberty and Mutual respect and tolerance of others
Pupils are taught to respect each other and this is modeled by adults in school. We have clear a policy on equality and a Positive Learning Policy for behaviour. Being a church school, our ethos is based on specific Christian values. However, in our curriculum other faiths are studied and celebrated.
Pupils are encouraged to make choices and have their own opinions but also they are taught how to stay safe.
We celebrate special times of the year in a range of faiths through our RE work, our close link with Catherington Church and our daily worship. Pupils are supported in their observance of religion and their spirituality.
Classroom worship areas are provided. We teach pupils about respecting each other and provide opportunities for pupils to work across year groups.
Our foundation subjects are taught through an enquiry, values based approach and pupils are encouraged to ask and answer questions and deal with peers who may have different views.