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Church of England Infant School

Learning together for tomorrow’s world


Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

At Catherington C of E Infant School we intend through our Special Educational Needs Policy to ensure that:

  • all children are valued equally, regardless of their abilities and behaviours
  • all children have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which is differentiated    to meet individual needs
  • all teachers recognise that they are teachers of children who may experience difficulties in     their learning
  • all children will achieve and make progress


Aims and Objectives


At Catherington C of E Infant School we aim to ensure that:


  • the variety of children's needs should be recognised and met through a flexible and varied     provision
  • all children have entitlement and access to the full curriculum
  • every child is encouraged, valued and accepted whatever their individual need
  • parents and child are enabled to work in partnership with the school
  • all children make progress


The aims will be achieved by meeting the following objectives:


  • providing clear guidelines for all staff on the process of identifying and assessing a child's individual needs
  • ensuring all staff will attend appropriate in-service training
  • a commitment to providing high quality resources which can be utilised by all staff.
  • ensuring all funds are allocated to meet children’s needs.


The planned curriculum will take account of children’s individual needs ensuring access to the curriculum through a varied range including:-


  • adjusting classroom management and / or environment
  • adjustment of teaching style
  • organisation of groups
  • differentiation of tasks
  • provision of appropriate resources
  • creating opportunities for success and praise

 If you have any questions regarding the provision we provide for children with special educational needs, please contact the school office to speak to Mrs Burden who is the school SENDCo ( special educational needs and disability coordinator).

If you need to make a complaint please follow our complaints procedure which can be found on our website. 
