We offer Breakfast and After School Club from 7.30am until 8.35am and from 3.15pm until 5.30pm every day.
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Church of England Infant School

Learning together for tomorrow’s world


Summer 1 - 2023

Week 6

In RE we are learning about creation and then moving on to learning about the Hindu creation story. The children made their own creations from clay and natural resources to get them thinking about what it meant to create something. They were fantastic!

Week 5

Art - Coiling the clay to create ammonite fossils

This week, Turtle class were super excited that the clay had arrived because they were able to create ammonites fossils. The children rolled out the clay using their hands and gentle pressure, enough to create a fairly thin sausage shape. They then coiled this ‘sausage’ into an ammonite shape and then smoothed the back of the clay to help keep the coil together when it dries. Next week when the clay has dried, they will be painting these fossils to really bring them to life!

Computing - Debugging

This week, the children learnt to debug. They took turns to created a route around the board and had arrow cards to help them keep track of their route. They then tested their route and if it didn’t work they ‘debugged’ their instructions to create the result they wanted.

Writing - Making persuasive posters to sell our She-Rex

Wellbeing Time - Duck, Duck, Goose! We had so much fun! 😃

PE Dance - Jack and the Beanstalk

In dance, we continued work on our new dance linked to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children start off being a hungry Jack wandering around; they then act out taking the cow to market; receiving the magic beans in exchange for the cow; happily skipping back home; being sent to bed by a cross mother; waking up to the beanstalk and then climbing to the top! The children did so well acting this story out to music.

Week 4

Art - Making fossil fish art using pasta inspired by the artist Darrell Wakelam

Darrell Wakelam was our inspiration in art this week with his 3-D art using pasta collage. The children loved breaking the pasta into pieces and using PVA glue to carefully construct a fossil fish.

Computing - Programming the Beebots using sets of instructions

Maths - Finding the nearest 10

History - Whose lives did Mary Anning impact?

In history, we created concentric circles to think about the impact of Mary’s work on different groups of people throughout time. In the middle stood Mary herself, surrounded by her mum Molly, Dad Richard and brother George. In the next circle was her friend Henry De La Beche and fossil buyers who bought fossils from Mary’s family shop, in the circle out from that were all the fossil hunters of the present day and people who still visit Lyme Regis to visit the museum and the find their fossils!

Writing - Playing ‘pairs’ with new vocabulary!

Week 3

Coronation Day Celebrations!

PE Dance - Marching like real soldiers and toy soldiers

Maths - Building 3-D shapes and thinking out their properties!

History - Ordering the main events of Mary Anning’s life on a story map!

Art - Imprinting fossil shapes on a clay tablet

Learning to scoot!

Week 2

Art - Digital art of ammonites


In art this week, the children used the iPads to create images of ammonites from photographs. Some of the children were very creative and even smudged the lines to recreate the effect they used with charcoal last week.



In computing this week, we programmed the Beebots to follow specific instructions around a special mat. We then looked at 3 sets of instructions and made predictions about which set would take us back to the start again. We had lots of fun!



In history this week, we started learning facts about Mary Anning and her incredible life! We have attached a photograph prompt to each of the facts. The children are getting very good at recalling these facts and over the next few weeks we will practise saying them as well as learning more about why Mary Anning is still remembered today.



In maths today, we were solving problems involving halves of amounts and using part-whole models and resources to show our thinking practically. 

Week 1

Art - Drawing fossils using charcoal



In history this week, the children started their new learning journey and to get them gripped, they were faced with a mysterious tray of sand! Once the tray of sand was uncovered, the children were keen to get digging and see what they could find. They carefully combed through the sand in small groups with their finger tips (so as not to cause damaged to whatever was in the sand) and they uncovered bones! They were very excited! We then talked about what part of the body the bones might be from and from what animal. The children then drew this animal in their books. Lots of them thought that the bones might be from a dinosaur! 



Today, we were using drama to practise using the vocabulary the children have been learning over the last week. The basket of goodies was passed from child to child and everyone took their turn to say something about the food using the descriptive language on the working wall. The children could act as a seagull or Mr Grinling! They did a wonderful job and had lots of fun!

Dance - Marching like a soldier!



Today, the children were solving maths problems involving 5ps. To solve these problems, the children were counting in 5s and using coins to help them. The recorded their thinking using repeated addition number sentences.



Today in writing, we used the zones of relevance activity to think about the best adjectives we could use to describe the seagulls that ate Me Grinling’s lunch in our book, ‘The lighthouse keepers lunch’ . The children thought carefully about each of the words and then placed them on the target! 



This week in computing we started our learning journey about robots! The children were every excited to meet the new Beebots. In today’s lesson, we turned the Beebots on and then looked at the keys on top. The children then made predictions about what these keys did. The children then played a game where one person would secretly programme 4 moves on the Beebot using these keys and the other person had to watch it move and guess what the instructions were!
